Select Settings in the menu to adjust the color scheme (font and background color), font size and orientation of the layout (left or centered). The settings selected will be saved and remain active (cookie).
Consider the functionalities of your browser to manipulate the size of the display and to eventually mask the status bar (full screen mode).
The settings of the electronic book are independent of the settings of the picture and film archives.
We recommend to set appropriate parameters before reading the texts. If you change the settings during the reading, you have to go back to the text via the table of contents.
Select Table of Contents in the menu to display
the list of contents. Click on Overview (bottom of the layout) to display the entire list of chapter titles.
Click on a chapter title in
the list of contents and the corresponding text will be displayed. –
Consider the two different options of left and right mouse-click (open
the text in the same window or tab, or open the text in a new window or
tab). – If the chapter has subtitles for corresponding paragraphs,
these subtitles are given on the top of the page. You may directly
switch to a
paragraph by clicking on a subtitle.
Use the "forward" or "back" buttons in the menu to change to the next or the previous chapter (only displayed if a text of a chapter is active). Use the list of contents to select any chapter.
If you click on a link in the text (left mouse-click), the
corresponding content will be displayed in the same window. Again,
consider the possibility to open a new window or tab using the right
Select Archive in the menu. Again, consider the possibility to open a new window or tab using the right mouse-click.